Tanzania: The Developing Country

Tanzania: The Developing Country

Tanzania_emblem_224_170_c1. Digital image. The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.

Tanganyika (former Tanzania) was formerly a UK-administered country which received its independence on December 9, 1961. From then on the government of Tanzania was made a Republic and is made up of three branches of government. It has a constitution which can be changed with amendments. The three branches of government consist of a “unicameral National Assembly or Parliament.” The Parliament consists of 357 seats and the positions for who can hold those seats are determined by some majority votes, some based on proportional representation vote, and some based appointed by the Zanzibar president.

There are several major political parties in Tanzania of which include the Civic United Front CUF, Democratic Party, and Tanzania Labor Party. Along with these political parties, there are other organizations which are a heavy influence in politics such as the Free Zanzibar and Twaweza. Outside of the country, Tanzania is part of the UN organization and other organizations.